Because we are committed to providing a safe environment for our children, we have developed the following security measures:
Secure Check-In and Check-Out
Only staff or River Kids Volunteers with the appropriate identification or parents with the appropriate documentation are allowed into River Kids' rooms.
All River Kids Volunteers have to have a background check, fill out an application, and sign a moral conduct policy that you can view here.
At check-in, each parent and child are given tags with matching numbers. When parents come to pick up their child(ren), they must show the parent tag to the appropriate River Kids Volunteer, and they will match it with the child's nametag before releasing them.
In the event that your child has a need that requires your attention during the Worship Gathering, your child’s unique security tag number will be displayed on the screen for several minutes signaling the need for you to come to the River Kids building.
Always Two Volunteers
Every classroom or environment will have two volunteers present at all times. No adult is to ever be alone with a child.
If you have any questions or concerns about our security policies, please email our Director of Educational Ministries, Ben Robison at