If you would like to get involved in what is happening here at River Church, please click one of the links below to learn about the options, and to begin taking your next step!
Discipleship Groups
Men's Groups:
- Tuesday Evening
- Thursday Morning
- Thursday Evening
Women's Groups:
- Monday Evening
- Tuesday Evening
- Thursday Evening
Follow this link to sign up for a discipleship group
Areas of Service
RiverKids (sign up here)
- Babies
- Toddlers
- Pre-K
- K-5th
- Check-In
Worship/Tech Team (sign up here)
- Vocalist
- Instrumentalist
- ProPresenter (Slides)
- Livestream
- Sound Tech
Guest Services (sign up here)
- Greeter
- Host (Serving Coffee and Snacks)
- Set-up Team
Prayer Team (email ben32robison@gmail.com)
- This group meets every Sunday morning at 9:00am to pray for the church
Please let us know if you would like to start a discipleship group or another area of service in the church!